5 tips for creating an awesome website
<p>With a tremendous increase in the number of freelancers and fierce competition, we must, now more than ever, stand out with quality work, competitive pricing and an impeccable web presence. That's why a website is so important!</p>
<p>A website will showcase your business 24/7 and can open door to new markets and endless possibilities! Your visibility will increase, and therefore the number of potential customers. It’s also a great way to show creativity and introduce yourself. You can also use your website as a portfolio to promote your projects, services, and achievements.</p>
<p>Here are 6 tips to make your website a success!</p>
<h3><strong>Bet on quality visuals</strong></h3>
<p>Statistics show that people don’t stay more than 30 seconds on a web page, so you must focus on impressing your visitors at first glance. Visuals are very important because people prefer looking at pictures than reading texts, and luckily for you, there are several images banks for you to choose quality pictures from, for free! If your budget allows it, you can also hire a photographer to take professional pictures. Images are worth a thousand words, so use them wisely to illustrate your business by betting on quality pictures to introduce yourself, highlight recent projects or simply to illustrate your website!</p>
<h3><strong>Introduce yourself and be clear in your offers</strong></h3>
<p>When a visitor lands on your website, he or she must immediately know what you are offering. Are you a designer, a writer, a freelance carpenter, etc.? Clearly introduce yourself and your offers at first glance. Considering the average time users visit a website, you need to advertise your services and/or offers, whether you add your rates or not.</p>
<h3><strong>Add a contact form</strong></h3>
<p>Your contact page should be highlighted so that your customers can contact you quickly. If you add a contact form, make sure it’s easily accessible. A great way to get people to contact you is to add a call-to-action button, encouraging people to ask for questions or request a quote easily.</p>
<p>A contact form will allow you to receive targeted quality information from your target market. It’s a great way to receive feedback, comments, and suggestions.</p>
<h3><strong>Optimize your website for search engines</strong></h3>
<p>For people to find your website, you must appear on search engines like Google. There are some SEO efforts you should do. SEO is Search Engine Optimization, or how people will find you on the web. Focus on content: add keywords, without accumulating them and update your content regularly. You can also create a blog, which brings fresh content to the web, something that SEO robots love!</p>
<h3><strong>Create it yourself!</strong></h3>
<p>Why not create it yourself? Nowadays, no need to know how to program or code to create a website. There are several options available to you, such as <a href="http://en.webself.net" target="_blank">WebSelf.net</a>. Our partner offers the perfect tool for freelancers, to create a website easily. Just select a template out of hundreds, edit and add your information, and publish it on the web!</p>
<p>WebSelf is an inexpensive solution that allows entrepreneurs and freelancers to create a website with a professional look. In addition, you can make changes in minutes!</p>
<p><strong>Try <a href="http://en.webself.net" target="_blank">WEBSELF</a> for free today!</strong></p>
<p><strong>Happy billing :)</strong></p>