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<p><em>You are our first source of inspiration! For this reason, we like to meet and discuss with freelancers and entrepreneurs to learn more about their reality. This month, we met Jenny Larouche, a professional translator and proofreader.</em></p>
<h3>1-Tell us about yourself</h3>
<p>My name is Jenny Larouche. I am 34 years old and live in the Limoilou neighborhood in Quebec City. As a translator and proofreader, my mission is to remove all traces of Shakespeare's language in the texts for a French-speaking audience while reproducing the sense as faithfully as possible. I use various proceeds to achieve this linguistic transfer: sentence structure reshuffle, popularization or simplification of ideas, integration of linking words or figures of speech, etc.</p>
<h3>2-Where does your interest in translation come from?</h3>
<p>Likely from my love for the French language and my writing talent.</p>
<h3>3-How did You become self-employed?</h3>
<p>After a job loss that happened about ten years ago. This challenge strongly undermined the confidence of the young professional who had recently finished the university. I was convinced that going back to school would help me bounce back; therefore, I registered for the Master's degree in translation and terminology, with a focus on entrepreneurship. One of the classes focussed on creating a business plan. This document allowed me to establish the foundation of my company, Jelar communications, and turn my back on the employment life that left a bitter taste.</p>
<h3>4-What is the most challenging part of self-employment?</h3>
<p>Making a name for myself… and maintaining my reputation. When we create quality work, we produce high expectations; sometimes, keeping the bar at this height can be challenging. Stress, tiredness, and bad time management are only some of the elements that can compromise the quality of deliverables. We never let our guard down or take a client for granted.</p>
<h3>5-Which part of being self-employed do you like the most?</h3>
<p>Work at my own pace. I would have issues complying with the same performance requirements translation agencies require. I believe translating is an art, and art is incompatible with such requirements. </p>
<h3>6-Tell us about your work routine.</h3>
<p>I do not have a routine, so I will tell you about my work technique. I start by giving myself an objective for my day (for example, translating a specific number of pages or words). Then, I organize my schedule according to this objective and my energy level. I enjoy creating work blocs of 45 to 60 minutes separated by breaks of varying lengths; it allows me to separate the major projects and complete them more efficiently.</p>
<h3>7-What are the online tools you could not live without?</h3>
<p>The toolkit of a generalist translator includes Antidote, Terminium, the Banque de dépannage linguistique, and the Grand dictionnaire terminologique. The clients' websites also have plenty of precious information.</p>
<h3>8-How did you learn about Momenteo, and how long have you used it?</h3>
<p>I have been using Momenteo since I began as a freelancer in 2016. I believe it was recommended to me by a colleague.</p>
<h3>9-What makes Momenteo different from other accounting tools?</h3>
<p>Momenteo is the only accounting software I have tried to this day. I was immediately charmed by this tool’s simplicity and convivial interface. When I love, I endorse!</p>
<h3>10-How did you find your first customers? </h3>
<p>In fact, it is they who found my contact information in a freelancer's directory. I also sent many service offers, primarily to translation agencies. Then, with time, word of mouth worked; today, I work with direct clients.</p>
<h3> 11-What are your tips for someone who would like to get into freelance?</h3>
<p>First, I think we need to define our goals clearly and ensure that we do not lose sight of them. For example, if we decide to become freelancers hoping to have more time, we will not want to work 50 hours a week constantly!</p>
<p>Then, it is important to define our distinctive characteristics to promote them to potential clients. For my part, I stand out because of my writing skills, while other translators can set themselves apart because of their important knowledge of a specific domain or their capabilities to absorb an important workload.</p>
<h3>12-What are your tips for someone who would work with a professional translator?</h3>
<p>First thing: make sure it is truly a professional translator! By consulting the <a href="https://ottiaq.org/en/find-a-member/">Ordre des traducteurs, terminologies et interprètes agréés du Québec</a> directory, you will surely find a qualified resource in the language you want to translate your document. Some people think that translators can work in all directions, but this is not the case at all. Personally, since my second language is English and my mother tongue is French, I only translate from English to French.</p>
<p>Once you choose a resource, communicate all the information they need to make quality work: target audience, broadcast platform, delivery deadlines, words to prioritize or avoid, etc. It is better to give more contextual information than not enough!</p>
<h3>13-Why are you proud of being a freelancer?</h3>
<p>The relationship I have formed with my clients. Some have done business with me since the beginning. It is gratifying to know that we are a trustworthy resource.</p>
<h3>14-Do you have any big plans for 2024?</h3>
<p>I have already translated some voluminous documents since the beginning of the year. It is great if I have other similar projects, but I am also fine with smaller contracts.</p>
<h3>15-How can we contact you?</h3>
<p>On <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-larouche-r%C3%A9d-a-r%C3%A9v-a-trad-a-70315660/">LinkedIn</a> or by email: jelarcommunications@gmail.com.</p>
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