Portrait of a Freelancer: Emmy Lapointe
<h3><img alt="Image blog Momenteo" class="aligncenter size-full" src="http://blogmanagement.momenteo.com/Content/blog-img/20210426144954994imag_pigiste.png" /></h3>
<h3><strong>1- Tell us About Yourself</strong></h3>
<p>My name is Emmy Lapointe, and I am the founder of EM Photographie culinaire, a business specializing in photography and culinary and commercial stylism. My mission is to highlight the potential of the companies of Quebec in a creative and customized way.</p>
<h3><strong>2- Where Does your Immense Passion for Photography Come From?</strong></h3>
<p>I always liked beautiful things and pictures. Photography came into my life professionally when I was working for a local magazine: L’Audacieuse. I was the marketing director, and I had to work on the photo concepts. I assisted the photographer during the photoshoots for the covers and other fashion or culinary photo concepts for the magazine.</p>
<h3><strong> 3- How Did You Become Self-Employed?</strong></h3>
<p>I always knew that I wanted to be a self-employed worker, but the opportunity presented itself to me last fall. I was working full-time at a local business while working hard on the development of my business. Things were going great, so I decided to leap as a self-employed worker.</p>
<h3><strong>4- What Is the Most Challenging Part of Self-Employment?</strong></h3>
<p>I believe that the most challenging part of self-employment is instability. There are months where I can have tons of projects when others can be quieter. We need to find an annual balance.</p>
<h3><strong>5- Which Part of Being Self-employed Do You Like the Most?</strong></h3>
<p>What I like the most about being a self-employed worker is freedom: the freedom to create, to take the projects that inspire me and be completely autonomous. It is also the freedom to do my schedule and balance my personal and professional life.</p>
<h3><strong>6- Tell Us About Your Work Routine.</strong></h3>
<p>I like to start my day early since I am more productive in the morning. Every task that requires a lot of focus and creativity is done in the morning. I keep the administrative work and every else for the afternoon.</p>
<h3><strong>7- What Are the Online Tools You Could Not Live Without?</strong></h3>
<p>I could not live without Pinterest since it helps me find inspiration before my photoshoots. Otherwise, I love Momenteo to help me be updated regarding my invoicing and fill my project calendar.</p>
<h3><strong>8. How Did You Learn About Momenteo, and How Long Have You Been Using It?</strong></h3>
<p>It is a freelancer friend who introduced me to Momenteo, and I have been using it since July 2020.</p>
<h3><strong>9- What Makes Momenteo Different from Other Accounting Programs?</strong></h3>
<p>The ease of use of the software! It is easy to know the number of hours we work on a project to invoice your client accordingly. </p>
<h3><strong>10- How Did You Find Your First Customers?</strong></h3>
<p>I made myself a big list of businesses that I wanted to work with; then, I started prospecting! Some of my first clients also found me on Instagram, and I still work with them today!</p>
<h3><strong>11. What Are Your Tips for Someone Who Would Like to Get Into Freelance?</strong></h3>
<p>Do it! If it is really what you would like to do and feel that it will make you happy, do not hesitate. Here is a little tip: try to connect with other self-employed people. It will help you when you have questions or worries.</p>
<h3><strong>12. What Would You Say to Someone Who Would Like to Use the Services of Photographer?</strong></h3>
<p>Here are some tips for businesses that would like to work with photographers:</p>
<p>1- Tell the photographer the vision of your business so they can understand the ambiance you are looking for.</p>
<p>2- Do not hesitate to give them pictures that inspire you before the shooting.</p>
<p>3- Trust them! They care about creating a strong brand image that represents you well.</p>
<h3><strong>13. What Are You Most Proud of About Being a Self-Employed Worker?</strong></h3>
<p>What I am the proudest of being a self-employed worker is to become successful in creating an inspirational professional life full of challenges and most importantly, that respects my values.</p>
<p>I enjoy being able to support myself by doing what I love every day.</p>
<h3><strong>14. Do You Have any Big Plans for This Summer?</strong></h3>
<p>Many amazing projects are taking shape, some in the Charlevoix area and others in other Quebec regions. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram to discover them! </p>
<p>Here’s a hint: it will be very gourmet!</p>
<h3><strong>15. How Can We Contact You?</strong></h3>
<p>People can contact me easily on my website by looking at my online portfolio: <a href="http://www.emphotographieculinaire.com/">http://www.emphotographieculinaire.com/</a> . It is also possible to contact me by email at <a href="mailto:info@emphotographieculinaire.com">info@emphotographieculinaire.com</a> .</p>
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