<p><em>You finally decided to leap and start a new business. You now need to find your first customers and get their trust. How can you do it? How can you show that you own a professional and serious business? Here are a few tips to improve your new business credibility. It will be easier to convince potential customers if you ensure you have thought about everything.</em></p>
<h3><strong>A website</strong></h3>
<p>The first thing you need when you start a business is a professional-looking website. This way, potential customers will be able to find you more easily and access information that can answer their questions. Do not hesitate to add an about us section to present yourself and your story, then think about adding examples or past experiences. Do not forget to include a contact form or your contact information too.</p>
<p>Regarding this, if you are looking for a website builder, we recommend our partner <a href="https://en.webself.net/" target="_blank">WebSelf</a>. This Canadian website builder is easy to use and will allow you to create a professional website with the help of its many templates.</p>
<h3><strong>A logo and brand image</strong></h3>
<p>Every business should have a logo and a strong brand image. Indeed, not having a logo can harm your credibility and professionalism. Start by asking yourself what type of logo you prefer, then think about the color palette. You can work with a professional graphic designer, an agency, or do it yourself. Are you looking for a logo? If so, our partner <a href="https://www.freelogodesign.org/" target="_blank">FreeLogoDesign</a> can help you create a professional logo in just a few clicks. You can make a logo for free or choose one of its premium packages to get a brand guide, for example.</p>
<p>Once your logo is created, you have to display it everywhere: on your website, social media, invoices, contracts, official documents, etc.</p>
<h3><strong>Social media accounts</strong></h3>
<p>Social media can surely help you increase the notoriety and visibility of your new business. Consequently, it would be best if you took the time to create accounts and pages for your business. It is not mandatory to be on all platforms. Instead, we recommend you be active on those that matter and are relevant to your target clientele.</p>
<p>For example, if you are a photographer, it could be interesting to display your best pictures on Instagram or Pinterest. Moreover, <a href="https://www.momenteo.com/blog/selfemployed-dont-neglect-your-linkedin-page" target="_blank">LinkedIn</a> remains a relevant platform for businesses and entrepreneurs. </p>
<h3><strong>Examples and past projects</strong></h3>
<p>Do not be afraid to show your portfolio or past work. Indeed, most of the time, your potential customers will want to know more about what you can do to see if it meets their needs. Consequently, have examples of past projects on hand, even if it is schoolwork. </p>
<p>Over time, your portfolio will be full of the work you are the proudest of. Also, do not forget to add a portfolio page to your website.</p>
<h3><strong>A contract of service</strong></h3>
<p>One of the most frequent mistakes made by new entrepreneurs is not having a valid contract of service. This complete document allows you to be protected from problematic situations or misunderstandings with your client. In addition, by asking for the signature of the contract of service, you show that you own a credible, serious, and professional business.</p>
<p>But what should include a contract of service? It depends on the type of service you offer; in general, it should have sections about the description of the service, the conduct of the service, the terms of payment, the intellectual property, the termination of the contract. If needed, do not hesitate to work with a business lawyer to have a complete contract of service that will be adapted to your needs.</p>
<h3><strong>Professional-looking invoices</strong></h3>
<p>You need to show your credibility from the beginning to the end of the business relationship. Consequently, it could be relevant to send professional-looking documents to your clients. It is true that you can send invoices from Word or Excel, but did you ever think of using invoicing software?</p>
<p>Indeed, Momenteo allows you to <a href="https://www.momenteo.com/" target="_blank">create customized invoices</a>. Start the process by adding your logo, then when you make your invoices, choose the colors and fonts. We also have different invoice templates you can use. It is important to use elements of your brand everywhere, even on your invoices! </p>
<h3><strong>Professional photos</strong></h3>
<p>You may need to promote yourself since you now own a business. Did you ever think of having <a href="https://www.momenteo.com/blog/why-do-you-need-professional-photos" target="_blank">professional photos</a>? It can be relevant for your website or if you are invited to a special event. Often, your latest Instagram or holiday pictures will not be up to the mark.</p>
<p>There are photographers specializing in business photography. Ask for their portfolios and define your needs. Here is another tip: think about bringing different types of clothing to get a larger variety of professional photos that will meet all your needs.</p>
<h3><strong>Customer reviews</strong></h3>
<p>What can you do to encourage potential clients to work with you? A way to improve your business credibility is simply adding positive customer reviews. You can display them on your website, social media, and even your Google My Business page. It can make a huge difference, especially if you have just launched your new business.</p>
<p>When a project is over, invite your clients to leave a review. Of course, we suggest you target clients that seem satisfied with your work.</p>
<p>In conclusion, it is not always easy to find our first clients. Consequently, your new business must look credible and professional if you want to increase your chances of getting contracts. Start by creating a website and social media accounts, then elaborate and use your brand image everywhere. Also, think about using a contract of service, examples of past work, and customer reviews. If you are looking for other tips, look at <a href="https://www.momenteo.com/blog/8-tips-from-our-freelancers-to-new-entrepreneurs" target="_blank">8 tips from our freelancers to new entrepreneurs</a>. Keep up the good work!</p>