Portrait of a Freelancer: Raphaëlle Granger
<p><strong>Portrait of a freelancer - </strong>Meet inspiring people who chose to make a living out of independent work. Through a very human perspective, discover their story, and the uniqueness of their lifestyle & challenges.</p>
<p><strong><img alt="Image blog Momenteo" class="aligncenter size-full" src="http://blogmanagement.momenteo.com/Content/blog-img/20181114092117673raphaelle-granger.png" /></strong></p>
<p><strong>Who are you and what do you do?</strong><br />
I’m Raphaëlle Granger. Photographer for 11 years, I’m specialized in lifestyle photography. Indeed, I have a documentary approach to my subjects, whatever they are. Foremost, I want to portray their story, all while including the slight creative touch that is part of my signature. I prefer an imperfect but emotionally charged image, as opposed to technically perfect photographs. I tell the love stories of my clients around the globe. They make me live incredible adventures that I immortalize for them, for their loved ones, for their future children. I like to describe my work in these words: authentic, moving, artistic, unusual, soft, imperfect.</p>
<p><strong>How did you become self-employed?</strong><br />
Somehow by chance. I was evolving in the field for several years while lacking the courage to decide to make the jump. My spouse, who knew before me that I was not done to have a boss, kept pushing me to resign but it was only after having a day so far from my ideal that I decided to make myself the gift (because yes more was on the day of my birthday) of resigning to launch my business. I absolutely do not regret my decision. I hope to keep doing what I’m doing for a long time!</p>
<p><strong>What is the most challenging part of self-employment?</strong><br />
I would say loneliness. I have consumed almost the entire Netflix catalog. It helps me feel less isolated during my long days of post-production! I miss having colleagues I can talk to because talking to my dog is definitely not the same! There is also the fact that when a problem arises, I am the only one who can resolve it. Sometimes it requires me a lot of time, but it makes me constantly improve myself.</p>
<p><strong>Describe us your daily work routine.</strong><br />
What is great is that I have the leisure not to have a routine. My days vary a lot depending on the time of the year. You will not see me doing much more than work during the high season (May to December). During that time, my weeks are filled by post-production, my weekends at weddings and my evenings by family sessions during the famous 'golden hour'. During the months of January to April, I primarily do marketing, customer meetings, product photos, fashion sessions and all the projects I put aside during summer, because of lack of time.</p>
<p><strong>Which aspect do you prefer when you are self-employed?</strong><br />
Being my own boss, being able to decide what are the goals and values of my business and set strategies in place to get there. As I'm alone, I do everything; it breaks the routine and forces me to train on several aspects other than just the picture! Over time, the more the reputation of my company grew, I also have the opportunity to select the projects I want to work on. It's even more stimulating!</p>
<p><strong>What are the online tools you could not live without?</strong><br />
Definitely social media, especially Facebook and Instagram since my target audience are very active. These are undoubtedly efficient tools when you use them well. And Momenteo, which makes life much easier for my accountant!</p>
<p><strong>How do you find new customers?</strong><br />
They are the ones who find me! No kidding, new customers come from 75% of the word-of-mouth. The remaining 25% are people who have seen my name circulating mainly on social networks.</p>
<p><strong>How can we contact you?</strong><br />
You can contact me <a href="mailto:info@raphaellegranger.com">by email at info@raphaellegranger.com</a>, by phone at 438-888-5265, via <a href="https://www.facebook.com/RaphaelleGrangerPhotographe/" target="_blank">my Facebook page</a>, <a href="https://www.instagram.com/raphaellegranger/" target="_blank">my Instagram account</a> or <a href="http://www.raphaellegranger.com" target="_blank">my website www.raphaellegranger.com</a>. I'm everywhere!</p>