
How Freelancers Can Avoid and Overcome Burnout

How Freelancers Can Avoid and Overcome Burnout

<p><em>No one is immune to burnout, even if you love your job or are a freelancer or self-employed worker. For example, it can be because of a challenging business relationship or a work overload. What can you do when you feel overwhelmed by your work and do not want to leave your bed anymore? Here are some tips to avoid and overcome burnout when you are a freelancer.</em></p> <p></p> <h3><strong>Recognizable burnout signs</strong></h3> <p>Before we start talking about potential solutions, let us take a moment to demystify what burnout syndrome is. <a href="" target="_blank">La Clinique Psychologie Qu&eacute;bec</a> defines it this way: it is a combination of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a lower feeling of personal accomplishment caused by chronicle stress or work dissatisfaction.</p> <p>But what are the signs? There are many, and they vary from one person to another. Among the physical symptoms are sleep disorders, back pain, and headaches. On the psychological level, we notice a feeling of depression, less patience, irritability, loss of self-esteem, and even suicidal thoughts. Moreover, when we experience professional burnout, we tend to isolate ourselves, be more aggressive, and lack focus. It has then significant consequences on your professional and personal life.&nbsp;</p> <h3><strong>A few potential solutions</strong></h3> <p>If you feel that you are at the point of dropping out, take a moment to step back to look for potential solutions according to your freelance or self-employed life.&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li> <p><strong>Analyze the situation</strong><br /> <br /> Since when do you feel exhausted? Do you have an idea of the causes? Is it because of a trigger event like a new client or new tasks? Take a moment to think about it. It should help you target what contributed to the deterioration of your situation and help you find relevant solutions.<br /> &nbsp;</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Delegate some tasks</strong><br /> <br /> If you feel that you need one more hour per day or one more day per week to achieve everything you want, it might be a good idea to delegate some tasks. It can be simple, time-consuming tasks like answering emails, contacting back your clients, managing your social media pages, or creating invoices. You can also pass on some charges to other professionals in your field.<br /> &nbsp;</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Clean up your client list</strong><br /> <br /> Are some of your clients like vampires who suck up all your energy? Is it mandatory to work with them? Do not forget that you likely became a self-employed worker to choose your clients and projects. Consequently, if you feel stressed every time you receive an email from this person, it might be time to put an end to this business relationship.<br /> &nbsp;</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Ask for help outside work</strong><br /> <br /> Your burnout might not be linked directly to your work. If you feel overwhelmed by everything you must do at home, why not seek help? You could hire a housekeeper or order from a catering company once in a while. Talk about your situation to your spouse or entourage, and accept their help.<br /> &nbsp;</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Set your boundaries (again)</strong><br /> <br /> When we become self-employed workers or freelancers, it is recommended to start by <a href="" target="_blank">setting our boundaries</a>. It can be as simple as not working during the weekends or no more than 40 hours a week. However, with time, we might forget the boundaries we wanted at first. Now that you know more about your needs and clientele, why not set new, more balanced boundaries?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Ask for more flexible deadlines</strong><br /> <br /> If you cannot stop working, why not ask for more flexible deadlines when someone wants a quote? This way, if unexpected tasks happen or if you fall behind, you will always have enough time to do everything you need to complete. For example, if a job needs to be completed in four days, why not ask for six, just in case? And for those clients who always have emergencies, do not hesitate to bill your time consequently.<br /> &nbsp;</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Only take important or interesting projects</strong><br /> <br /> Moreover, if you feel that you need a break, why not only take the important or exciting projects for a while? This way, you will reduce your workload while keeping a source of income. Then, when you feel better, you can gradually add more work to your schedule.<br /> <br /> Another way to reduce your workload is to increase your rates, so you have to work less. It can be interesting if you offer new services like packages or are a specialist in your field.<br /> &nbsp;</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>&nbsp;Recognize good deeds</strong><br /> <br /> We have mentioned above that one of the causes of professional burnout is linked to the sense of self-fulfillment. Since you likely work alone, you might forget to recognize and celebrate your good deeds. At the end of your day, take one minute to congratulate yourself on something positive that happened. Then, do not hesitate to share this with freelancers and self-employed workers communities.<br /> &nbsp;</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Avoid isolating yourself</strong><br /> <br /> Finally, when you feel exhausted, you might try to avoid seeing people even if it could help you. Go out with some friends, see your family, and work from your favorite coffee shop or <a href="" target="_blank">coworking space</a>! And if you feel like you need to talk to someone, do not hesitate to consult a psychologist. It can make a huge difference.</p> </li> </ul> <p></p> <p>In conclusion, freelancers and self-employed people can experience professional burnout. Reducing your workload and avoiding stressing factors could be relevant if you always feel overwhelmed. Do not forget that you are not alone, even when you must <a href="" target="_blank">handle a crisis</a>.&nbsp;</p>
