
Should You Ask for the Budget Before Sending a Quote?

Should You Ask for the Budget Before Sending a Quote?

<p><em>Momenteo&#39;s team regularly conducts strategic monitoring to learn more about freelancers&#39; worries and interests. We also examine social media and check the answers we get in surveys. Recently, someone asked a question that caught our attention: Should you ask for the budget before sending a quote? Let us examine this more closely.</em></p> <p></p> <h3>What is best: asking for the budget or not?</h3> <p>Let us get right down to the nub of the question: is it better to ask for the budget before sending a quote or not? In our opinion, it is a better idea. Besides allowing both sides to save time, it is precious information that will help create a customized quote. If you realize the budget is too low or unrealistic, you can also explain that it will not be possible to provide services.</p> <p></p> <h3>When it comes to discussing the budget?</h3> <p>Many people, including several freelancers, are often embarrassed to talk about money; however, when you have the opportunity to get a new business relationship, when is the best time to talk about the budget?</p> <p></p> <p><strong>During the discovery call</strong></p> <p>We wrote a blog article about <a href="" target="_blank">discovery calls</a> and how to use them a few months ago. There are many benefits to discussing your potential clients before sending your quote. First, it will allow you to see if you want to work with this person. Remember that as a freelancer, you have the opportunity to choose your projects and clients. Second, the discovery call is also the perfect moment to learn more about the available budget and the details of the work to be done.</p> <p>By organizing a meeting, whether online or in person, you can confirm whether the project seems doable and if you are the right person to do it. You will also increase your chances of creating a winning quote and building a great business relationship with your client.</p> <p></p> <p><strong>Display your prices on your website</strong></p> <p>Moreover, posting<a href="" target="_blank"> your prices</a> or an idea of them on your website could be relevant. Unless you provide customized services or every need differs, potential clients often look for these when visiting a freelancer site. If your prices are superior to the visitor&#39;s budget, everybody will save time. This person might also be less surprised when you send them a quote since you will already have provided the information.</p> <p>If you need more flexibility, you can also display that your rates start at a specific price. In addition, if you provide many services, it could be relevant to <a href="" target="_blank">offer packages</a>.&nbsp;</p> <p></p> <h3>What can you do if the budget is lower than expected?</h3> <p>What can you do if you realize that your potential client&#39;s budget is insufficient? Should you move to another project without delay? Before giving up, here are three solutions to explore.</p> <p></p> <p><strong>Is it possible to adapt the provided services?</strong></p> <p>Here is a strategy from several freelancers. If your potential client&#39;s budget is insufficient, can your services be adapted? More precisely, instead of adjusting the budget, is it possible to offer less so everyone is satisfied? It could be a solution if the project interests you a lot. Beware: There is no question about lowering your prices or allowing your potential client to negotiate your rates.</p> <p>For example, if you are a photographer and your client only has $300, you could reduce the number of photos or the shooting duration. You could also ask that the shooting occur at your studio instead of outside.</p> <p></p> <p><strong>Explain the value added</strong></p> <p>Do you know about the value pricing? It is a way to set your rates according to the value your client gets. Of course, it can be challenging to calculate, but it is a great improvement for your business. In sum, your clients do not want to pay for the actual value of your services but what they think it is worth. Therefore, take the time to explain the concrete benefits your services can bring to increase your chances of success.</p> <p>Here is an example: let us compare a $20,000 car to a $100,000 one. Technically, these two vehicles have the same goal: to help people move from one place to another. However, luxury cars promote different things to increase the perceived value of their products and justify the price.</p> <p></p> <p><strong>Keep your normal price</strong></p> <p>Indeed, some clients do not know the real price of some services, especially when working with a photographer, <a href="" target="_blank">virtual assistant</a>, or social media manager. At first sight, it seems easy to do; why then pay so much? Still today, there is education to do. You could decide not to change your usual prices and send your quote anyway. Your potential client will then have to decide if they want to increase their budget to work with you.</p> <p>Remember to work your quote accordingly if you know that your prices are higher than the budget. It must be complete, easy to understand, but mostly irresistible. Instead of listing everything as if it were grocery items, consider the final result. A beautiful salad is more exciting than all the ingredients individually.</p> <p></p> <p>In conclusion, knowing your potential client&#39;s budget before sending your quote has several advantages. Besides avoiding losing time, it allows you to customize your offer to meet the client&#39;s needs better. If you have any questions or want other tips about freelancing, do not hesitate to look at our <a href="" target="_blank">many blog articles</a>!&nbsp;</p>
