Freelancer: The Importance of Celebrating Your Victories
<p><em>If you have been an employee, you might have had a boss or colleagues who would congratulate you on your success stories. Now that you are a freelancer or entrepreneur, you might miss this token of appreciation. It is your responsibility to recognize when you do great work. In this article, we will see the importance of celebrating your victories and give you a few events that deserve mentioning. </em></p>
<h3>Why is it important to recognize your good work?</h3>
<p>Let us start with the most important question: Why is it important to recognize your good work when you are a freelancer or an entrepreneur? The reason is simple: with time, we can forget that we do good work. Although you may receive retroaction from some clients, you may lack recognition.</p>
<p>Your spouse, family members, or friends may not understand your reality. They might not know all the efforts you give daily to your business. In this case, by getting in the habit of noticing your great work, you will decrease your chances of being demotivated over time.</p>
<p>Here is a tip: at the end of every day or week, take the time to find one thing you did great or are proud of. It can be as simple as answering all emails or completing all the tasks you want to do.</p>
<h3>What type of things can you celebrate?</h3>
<p>You may say that daily work does not need to be celebrated. If you need more concrete examples, here are some victories that you should take the time to recognize.</p>
<p>Give yourself a little pat on the shoulder. Take a glass of wine. Listen to your favorite music and dance. Whatever you decide to do, it should remain pleasant.</p>
<p><strong>Getting a new client</strong></p>
<p>We know that <a href="" target="_blank">finding your first clients</a> can be complicated. You need to do some networking, be active on social media, take the time to meet potential clients to answer their questions, and send quotes… Consequently, you truly have the right to celebrate this new business partnership. It is excellent news.</p>
<p><strong>Having being able to solve a problem</strong></p>
<p>Most freelancers and entrepreneurs work alone. When there is an issue, everything rests on your shoulders, which can be exhausting with time. Do not underestimate the problems you must solve, but remember to give yourself a little pat on the shoulder when you find a solution. And if it is not your cup of tea, have the humility to ask for help.</p>
<p><strong>The end of a project</strong></p>
<p>We also recommend celebrating when you end a project or a contract. Whether it was a good experience or not, it is the perfect opportunity to recognize your work and efforts. Take this opportunity to review how it went. Are you satisfied with the way you managed everything? Would you do the same if you had to redo the project? It can also be a relief to know it is over if you did not like working with this client. </p>
<p><strong>A project you are really proud of</strong></p>
<p>Similarly, celebrating the project you are proud of could be a good idea. It can be having completed some challenging work or creating something nice. Besides adding everything to your portfolio, do not hesitate to share it and show it to your entourage. Your most accomplished work can also be displayed on social media.</p>
<p><strong>Adding a new service</strong></p>
<p>The service you offer may change throughout your career. You will likely know what projects interest you the most and with whom you want to work. Therefore, it could be relevant to celebrate the arrival of a new service. You probably spent a lot of time working on it to ensure it meets your potential clients’ needs. Celebrate your work and new business opportunities: it is significant to work on the evolution of your company!</p>
<p><strong>Increasing your revenues</strong></p>
<p>The lives of freelancers and entrepreneurs are generally bumpy. Therefore, if you notice you have increased your business revenues at the end of your fiscal year, you deserve to celebrate your efforts. You likely worked hard to achieve this, facing all the challenges. Even if it is a slight increase, it is still a great achievement, especially during these uncertain times.</p>
<p><strong>Your business anniversary</strong></p>
<p>Recently, we discussed with an entrepreneur who just realized that her business was one year and a half old. Indeed, time goes by so fast when we are busy; however, remember to recognize your business anniversaries. Do not forget that not all entrepreneurs and freelancers are successful. According to a study by the Quebec government, only 35.3% of all businesses are open five years after their creation.</p>
<p>In conclusion, by taking the time to recognize your good work and celebrate your victories, you will increase your engagement towards your business and your general motivation as well. It should be addressed. However, do you need help noticing when you are doing great work? Could you suffer from the <a href="" target="_blank">impostor syndrome</a>? If this is the case, it is vital to stop thinking that you are not good enough or your successes are only due to some dumb luck.</p>