Freelancer: What You Need to Know About the Maternity Leave in Quebec
<p><em>For many years, the province of Quebec adopted the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan to allow new parents to be financially supported when they have or adopt a child. But is this plan available to freelancers? And how can we manage our maternity leave and clients at the same time? Let us examine this more closely.</em></p>
<h3>Frequent questions regarding the QPIP and self-employed workers</h3>
<p>The arrival of a child is a significant event. We must then prepare ourselves accordingly, especially when we are freelancers or self-employed workers. To help you with this, here is a list of frequently asked questions and answers regarding your work status and the QPIP benefits.</p>
<p><strong>Do freelancers have access to maternity leave?</strong></p>
<p>First question: Do freelancers from Quebec have the right to maternity leave and receive QPIP benefits when they have a child? The answer is yes if the professional paid her QPIP premium during the qualifying period. If you look at your tax notice, you will see if you have paid this premium (it should be automatic when paying your taxes).</p>
<p>Please note that to have the right to receive QPIP benefits, a freelancer must cease her business activities or reduce the time spent working by at least 40%. You are also requested to have at least $2000 in insurable earnings during the qualifying period. On the QPIP website, you only need to click on the Self-Employed Worker or Wage Earners Who Are Also Self-Employed tabs to learn all the requirements.</p>
<p><strong>What about new fathers?</strong></p>
<p>But do fathers who are freelancers also have the right to have parental leave and benefits? The answer is yes, with the same restrictions mentioned above. Generally, fathers in Quebec have access to paid parental leave for five weeks, but parents can share time if needed.</p>
<p><strong>How are calculated the QPIP benefits?</strong></p>
<p>Another popular question is about the benefits. How much will you receive? When and how often?</p>
<p>First, the QPIP benefits will be paid every two weeks. We invite you to consult their <a href="" target="_blank">Benefit Calculator</a> to know more about the amount you will receive. You only need to answer the form with your current situation, choose when you want to start receiving benefits, choose a work status, and enter your business revenue. The matter is that simple.</p>
<p><strong>How can I apply for the QPIP benefits?</strong></p>
<p>Is it complicated to apply for the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan? You only need to fill out the online form. It is even possible to complete it before the birth of the child. Please note that both parents must fill out the form to get benefits. You will also need to choose whether you want the basic plan (50 weeks) or the special one (40 weeks). </p>
<p>You must provide personal information (social insurance number, banking information), information about the birth or adoption of the child, and information about your income (gross salary, last day of work, the number of employment records, business income) when applying. </p>
<p><strong>Can I continue to work during my parental leave?</strong></p>
<p>Another frequent question freelancers have regarding parental leave is whether they can continue to work. The answer is yes, but once more, there are criteria to respect if you do not want to lose a percentage of your benefits. The Benefit Calculator can give you an idea of the weekly gross revenue you can earn without being penalized.</p>
<p>If you need to return to work full-time quickly, giving a few weeks of parental leave to the other parent could be relevant.</p>
<p>If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to check the <a href="" target="_blank">Quebec Parental Insurance Plan's official website</a> or contact customer service.</p>
<h3>A few tips on how to manage your maternity leave</h3>
<p>Is your maternity leave coming quickly, and are you afraid to forget something important? Here are some relevant tips for freelancers and self-employed workers. </p>
<p><strong>Establish a match plan</strong></p>
<p>A few weeks before, think about what you want to do during your maternity leave. For example, do you want to take the 40 or 50 weeks leave? Do you want to continue working, or do you want to take a break to be with your child? Will the benefits be sufficient to pay all your expenses?</p>
<p><strong>Decide if you want to warn your clients</strong></p>
<p>Another important point is your relationship with your clients. Depending on what you decide to do, you might have to tell them that you will not be available for some time or at least less available. If this is the case, try to warn them and give them time to adjust. You can do this in person or by email; you could also add a note on your email signature or invoices.</p>
<p><strong>Adjust your work schedule</strong></p>
<p>If you have decided to continue to work, you will likely need to adjust your work schedule. Some parents continue to work when their child sleeps, while others will hire a nanny or get help from family members. Whatever your situation, you will need to be flexible. Add time for unplanned events to your daily schedule, and try to <a href="" target="_blank">respect your boundaries</a>. </p>
<p><strong>Consider delegating some tasks</strong></p>
<p>If you feel overwhelmed, why not delegate tasks or clients to others for a while? For example, you could refer your clients to a professional you trust during your parental leave or work with a <a href="" target="_blank">virtual assistant</a> to save some time. Some freelancers also enjoyed having help with household chores or meals during this period. </p>
<p>In conclusion, there is a strong chance that you have the right to receive benefits during your maternity or paternity leave if you are a freelancer or a self-employed person. Do not hesitate to check the government website and try their benefit calculator to learn more about how much you could have. You can even continue to work if it is something you want.</p>
<p>If you ever feel that you are no longer productive at home or need a change of scenery, why not consider working from a<a href="" target="_blank"> coworking space</a> for a few hours weekly? It is undoubtedly something that could help your mental health! </p>