9 Myths We Hear all too Often about Self-Employed People
<p>Although it is becoming more popular, few professionals decide to become freelancers or self-employed. Those who dare often face prejudice or comments from the people around them. They don’t have bad intentions; most people simply do not know the reality of the work. So here are nine myths that we hear all too often about the self-employed and what the reality is.</p>
<h3><strong>You've got time!</strong></h3>
<p>Just because you're not at an office downtown doesn't mean you have more time than a wage earner. Everyone has access to 24 hours in a day. The question is not about having more time or not having enough, but what to do with the hours in the day. It's true that you can save valuable minutes by not being stuck in traffic, but don't forget that you have several tasks to do in addition to your work, including prospecting, accounting and billing. Just because you're at home doesn't mean you're doing nothing!</p>
<h3><br />
<strong>You're always available</strong></h3>
<p>Flexibility of schedule is something that many professionals are looking for by becoming self-employed. But that doesn't mean being available 24 hours a day, every day, night, or weekend. When you sign a customer, you don't give them access to your soul. You have the right to time outside of work like everyone else. A freelancer or self-employed person has the right to work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. from Tuesday to Friday if they wish. The important thing is to find and <a href="https://fr.momenteo.com/blogue/vie-de-freelancer-definissez-vos-limites">respect your limits</a>, quite simply.</p>
<h3><br />
<strong>You're doing this until you get a job.</strong></h3>
<p>Raise your hand if you've ever heard this one! For some people who are not familiar with freelance work, this is just a phase. You will become an employee again when a stable job comes along. It is true that some professionals may decide to become self-employed between jobs, but most really want to live this way in the long run. We talked to several freelancers and many of them would not go back!</p>
<h3><br />
<strong>You have to accept all the contracts you are given</strong></h3>
<p>One thing that is wonderful about entrepreneurship is that you can choose your projects and your clients. It is true, however, that you have to accept contracts from time to time to make ends meet. However, you have the last word unlike when you are a salaried employee. Not all self-employed workers are necessarily in a precarious situation. If you don't want to work with a client, you have the right to refuse their offer.</p>
<h3><br />
<strong>You mustn't like working in a team</strong></h3>
<p>Just because you decide to go it on your own doesn't mean you're necessarily an introverted hermit who hates working with others. Despite what some might think, the self-employed have contact daily with other people. They communicate with their customers, reconnect with their collaborators, network... Many professionals also like to work in coworking spaces to meet other entrepreneurs.</p>
<h3><strong>You can do whatever you want whenever you want</strong></h3>
<p>Yes and no. A self-employed person may have more flexibility regarding their schedule or plans, but that doesn't mean they are going to spend their days listening to their favorite Netflix series. Like employees, freelancers have obligations and must work to make their money. If they do not work, they simply do not get paid. It's the same for holidays. Most of the time, the self-employed cannot decide to take a vacation at the last minute. They must first notify their clients and prepare their files accordingly.</p>
<h3><br />
<strong>You must not be productive if you work from home</strong></h3>
<p>Now that many people have tasted the joys of telecommuting because of the pandemic, it will be increasingly rare to hear this statement. Whether in a work cubicle or in an office at home, it is possible to <a href="https://www.momenteo.com/blog/how-to-be-more-productive">be productive</a> in both cases if one is not disturbed. We also believe that many people have taken a liking to working from home. This saves time to travel from one place to another, among other things.</p>
<h3><br />
<strong>You must not make a lot of money</strong></h3>
<p>This is a fairly common myth about the self-employed. Many people think that since you are not a wage earner or you only have contracts, you do not make a lot of money. However, many freelancers and entrepreneurs live quite comfortably. It's all about choosing the right contracts and setting the right rates for your services. Track your cash inflow and outflow up close, set aside money for off-peak periods and take advantage of various government grants. If necessary, a good financial advisor can certainly lend a hand.</p>
<h3><br />
<strong>Your rates are probably too expensive</strong></h3>
<p>Some people believe that working with a self-employed person is more expensive than having an employee. This may seem true at first as the rates of these contractors may turn out to be higher than an employee's hourly wage. However, keep in mind that employees also have costs (training, insurance, minimum hours). When a self-employed person sends you a quote, they must include in their prices all the time they take to manage their business. Once the project is completed and the bill is paid, there is nothing else that needs to be done. All you have to do is look at what's best and get work done by a freelancer as needed. What you can say to someone who tells you that there are people who would do it for less: there are customers who are willing to pay your prices because they know you do a good job.</p>
<p>In conclusion, we hope that over time people will have a better understanding of the reality of the self-employed. The situation we experienced last spring has undoubtedly helped, especially in terms of working at home. So, what about you, what words or myths do you keep hearing when you say that you are self-employed or a freelancer?</p>