<p><em>Every week, we receive questions from our clients about the best ways to use our invoicing software. Some start as freelancers, while others are experienced entrepreneurs. It then gave us the idea to write a new article to answer frequently asked questions and give you a few tips on using Momenteo like a pro. </em></p>
<h3>My client gave me a down payment. How can I display it on my invoice?</h3>
<p>In many cases, it is recommended that you ask for a <a href="https://www.momenteo.com/blog/freelancers-should-you-ask-for-a-down-payment" target="_blank">down payment</a> before starting your work, especially if it is a new business relationship. But how can you display this on your invoice?</p>
<p>If you decided not to create two different invoices, please note that it is possible to display this payment. Here’s how. If you have already created an invoice using our software, you likely know you need to follow the 1-2-3-4 steps. In the case of a down payment, after the creation process (step 2), go directly to step 4 to add a partial payment. Next, go to step 3 to send your invoice. The down payment will appear on the top of your invoice.</p>
<h3>I would like to send a receipt. Is it something possible?</h3>
<p>Some people like to send a receipt to their clients, a proof of payment. Yes, it is possible, and the steps to follow are similar to the latest question. During the creation process, instead of following the usual steps (1-2-3-4), complete the first two and then go directly to the fourth step. Add the payment and then go to step 3 to send the paid invoice.</p>
<h3>Is it possible to send an account statement?</h3>
<p>Yes, and this feature has even been improved in recent weeks. To send an account statement, go to your client’s profile; at the top, you will find the option. You can filter according to specific dates or use one of our three available reports: payment history, account activity, or unpaid invoices.</p>
<h3>Are there any automatic payment reminders?</h3>
<p>Yes, automatic payment reminders are available with the Explore and Pro plans. To activate them, click on your settings. Under the Invoices categories, you will find the option to activate a payment reminder. You can choose whether to have a reminder sent before or after the due date and for how many days. If needed, you can have many different reminders.</p>
<h3>I need to reset my account. How can I proceed?</h3>
<p>Whether it is because you made tests or are starting a new business, here is what you should do to reset your Momenteo account if you want to use the same email address. First, you need to delete your account. You will find this option in the settings under the Account tab. Once it is done, you can subscribe once again using your email. Please note that deleting your account is irreversible.</p>
<h3>Many people need to connect to my account. How can they do it?</h3>
<p>Unless you want to give special access to your accountant, please note that Momenteo was created only to have one user. Consequently, if other people need to access your account at this time, you will need to share your credentials with them. Of course, we strongly recommend only giving this precious information to trustworthy people.</p>
<h3>How can I manage sales that did not take place in Momenteo?</h3>
<p>Momenteo was first conceived to only take into account the sales from invoices created and sent with our software. However, some clients did find a way to record other sales. Let us present you their tip: often, they will create a client named Etsy, Training Courses, or Square Sales, and every week, month, or year, they will generate an invoice that gathers all the sales during this period.</p>
<h3>My Momenteo account seems slow. Why?</h3>
<p>Some people contact us to tell us that their Momenteo account is slow. If it is not your internet connection, it is likely related to the number of active elements. Therefore, if you feel that the software is less quick than usual, it may be time to do some cleaning. For example, can you close paid invoices? Can you archive some contacts? Remember to take a look at your invoicing elements, too. They are located in the settings under the invoices tab. Archive everything you do not need anymore.</p>
<h3>It is mentioned that I need to upgrade my plan to continue. Why is this the case?</h3>
<p>You may have reached the number of active clients included in your current plan. Here is a reminder: an active client is a person to whom you send invoices during a fiscal year. Consequently, remember to archive past clients from time to time.</p>
<h3>Can I use Momenteo on my phone?</h3>
<p>Momenteo did indeed have an application back in the day; unfortunately, it is not available anymore. Do not worry; you can still use your favorite invoicing software on your mobile phone or tablet using a web browser like Chrome or Safari.</p>
<h3>Is it possible to have two different businesses on Momenteo?</h3>
<p>As mentioned above, Momenteo was primarily made for self-employed and freelancers. Most of the time, these entrepreneurs only have one business. Therefore, we recommend creating a second account if you need separate invoices and expenses. Do not hesitate to contact us regarding this; we have a special offer for those who need more than one account.</p>
<p>In conclusion, do not hesitate to <a href="https://www.momenteo.com/support/" target="_blank">contact our team</a> if you have any questions. It is with pleasure that we will answer as soon as possible. We also have a help center that can be useful.</p>
<p>If you have any questions about your accounting, your accountant is likely the best person to guide you. </p>