8 Types of Customers to Avoid at all Costs
<p>In life, we often learn from our mistakes. Have you ever accepted a contract that you bitterly regretted later? How many times have you swallowed your pride in order to get a new contract? We wrote this article because of your freelance stories. Since you are now the person responsible for finding and managing your customers, here are 8 types of customers to avoid at all costs!</p>
<h3><strong>The Vampire</strong></h3>
<p> The vampire type has attractive plans, but he completely drains your energy. You could almost say this person doesn’t sleep or take a break. He also feels that you should be available at any time. That means you're going to receive hundreds of emails and calls regarding the progress of the project–even over the weekend! And if you dare not to answer, he might get offended. The project that initially seemed so easy takes forever to complete because you spent more time answering questions than making progress on the final product.</p>
<p> What can you do with a vampire client? Tell him what your limits are. If he becomes insistent and takes up your time, don't hesitate to charge him for it. Don't wait until you become a zombie before you stand up for yourself.</p>
<h3><strong>The Last-Minute Customer</strong></h3>
<p> The last-minute customer is often spotted when he knocks on your door in a panic. He has some sort of a nonsensical story about how his freelancer cowardly abandoned him and that he has to complete a project very quickly. You may accept this job thinking you are doing a good deed, but beware. Why did the other freelancer leave him like this? We advise you to learn more about the situation before agreeing to take on this project which could take time away from working on your other projects.</p>
<p> Otherwise, this type of customer can also add tasks that were not originally discussed as it would take up too much time to meet the deadline. Avoid customers who tend to mismanage their time, it will alleviate a lot of frustration.</p>
<h3><strong>The Visibility Enthusiast</strong></h3>
<p> The visibility enthusiast is still too common in the freelance and self-employed world. His favorite preys are professionals who are starting out on their own and are looking for their first contracts. This type of client offers projects in exchange for visibility. Who hasn't been told that this little free job will bring in more contracts? With this customer, go on your way. Every job deserves pay. Visibility has never paid the electricity bill or groceries to our knowledge. Specifically, as Gandalf would say: "Run, you poor fools!"</p>
<h3><strong>The Negotiator</strong></h3>
<p> When you set your rate, you certainly took into account your education and experience. However, once in a while you will find a customer who loves what you do but finds your price too high so he will try to negotiate a lesser price. There are times when you can accept special prices for some customers, but only when it's really worth it. If this type of customer starts negotiating each quote, tell him that your prices are fixed. In addition, the negotiating client will be the first to ask for a discount if the work is not to his liking. Watch out for this.</p>
<p> What would you say to someone who tells you that they can get it done for less elsewhere? You simply have customers who pay more!</p>
<h3><strong>The Indecisive Customer</strong></h3>
<p>The indecisive customer in some ways is like the last-minute customer. He does not know what he wants and often changes his mind. This means that you are wasting precious time starting over again– sometimes many times. If you think your client doesn't have a clear idea of what they want, ask for concrete examples so he won't be disappointed, and you won't waste your time. If he often changes his mind, ask him to get back to you when he knows exactly what he wants or advise him that there will be an additional charge for any additions or changes. <a href="https://www.momenteo.com/blog/the-importance-of-having-a-good-contract-of-services">The contract of services</a>, in this case, will be your best protection against the indecisive customer.</p>
<h3><strong>The Disappearing Customer</strong></h3>
<p> Your mission if you accept it is to be able to get a follow-up from this disappearing act. Unlike the vampire-type client, this person no longer responds and seems to disappear from the face of the Earth. This often happens when the job is done and it's time to pay. Start with a call or an email checking that the address still works. If necessary, try a formal notice if you have not received payment for your work. Maybe with a little luck this person will reappear, or you will find someone who knows this person. </p>
<h3><strong>Mr. Know-it-all</strong></h3>
<p> This type of customer can become annoying very quickly. He always has something to say and he is never satisfied. The know-it-all will want everything done his way, even if it doesn't make sense. Often the end result will not work, and you will be the person to blame. Let’s say you have a client who would like a logo done in a particular style that does not work with his domain or wants to copy an existing logo. In short, if a potential client doesn't seem to respect your work or your ideas, maybe it's not a partnership for you. Remember, you are the expert in the business partnership and not the other way around.</p>
<h3><strong>The Noncommittal Customer</strong></h3>
<p> We all know someone like this in our entourage. The kind of person who doesn't want to get involved. This client will promise you the moon and ask you for dozens of different quotes without ever committing to a contract. He almost always has excuses as to why the project will not happen. Don't fall into the trap of completing contracts and sending them to him before he accepts a quote. Unfortunately, some people use the work done by freelancers in order to explain how they would set up a project. As with your love life, beware of big talkers and save your time for those who really want to work with you.</p>
<p>What about you as a freelancer, what type of client have you come across that you avoid? What do you think is the worst kind and what are your strategies when dealing with this person? When these situations happen, remember to take a deep breath and remind yourself why you are your own boss.</p>
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