Be a Freelancer Who is Physically Active: Why and How?
<p>Among the benefits that life as a freelancer brings us, freedom is certainly one that stands out the most. Being your own boss, creating your own schedule, choosing your projects, and more, these are pluses. Unfortunately, they can come with inconveniences and many sources of stress as we are responsible for everything. Therefore, it is essential to take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself needs to be your way of life. A good way to help you do this is to be physically active daily.</p>
<h3><strong>Benefits of Regular Physical Activity</strong></h3>
<p>The recommendations are that adults should do at least two and a half hours of physical activity per week to maintain good health and improve their quality of life. The more you exercise, the more you can enjoy its many benefits, including:<br />
<br />
- Maintaining good mental health<br />
- Reducing stress and improving the ability to manage it<br />
- Experiencing good quality of sleep<br />
- Improving concentration<br />
- Relying on a strong immune system</p>
<h3><br />
<strong>5 Reasons to Stay Physically Active as a Freelancer</strong></h3>
<p>Yes, it's a good idea for everyone to be physically active on a daily basis, but here's why it can be particularly important for freelancers:</p>
<p><strong>1- It's when you can take a moment for yourself</strong></p>
<p>We often run around juggling our contracts and projects. The physically active moments in our day will be our moments just for us. The moments when we don’t need to think of anyone else.</p>
<p><strong>2- It's your ally for managing daily stress</strong></p>
<p>Physical activity helps reduce and manage stress. Everyone experiences stress on a daily basis, but self-employment can bring more sources of stress. Physical activities are a good way to help us better manage them.</p>
<p><strong>3- It's a way to focus on the essentials</strong></p>
<p>We can use our physically active moments to contemplate and refocus on the essentials. It is like a cleansing of your mind.</p>
<p><strong>4- It allows you to increase your concentration and productivity</strong></p>
<p>Getting involved in a sport improves cognitive ability, including concentration. What could be better than feeling zen, well in your own skin, and perfectly focused to attack the day's projects?</p>
<p><strong>5- It prevents Burnout</strong></p>
<p>The downtime we will give ourselves on a daily basis will force us to take breaks and think about ourselves. This allows us to be in a better mental and emotional state making us less stressed and feeling more in control of ourselves and our environment. This is fundamental in preventing burnout.</p>
<h3><br />
<strong>8 Tips and Ideas to Stay Physically Active</strong></h3>
<p><strong>1. Look for Activities that Allow You to Interact with other People</strong></p>
<p>The freelance profession sometimes plunges us a little into loneliness, and in the long run, it can become hard. So, you have to take the time to see people. Either by registering for a course or by going to a crowded place that you can enjoy.</p>
<p><strong>2. Include a Dedicated Physical Activity Time Slot in Your Schedule</strong></p>
<p>As we saw earlier, we are the managers of our schedules. We decide what we add to it or not. We have to allow ourselves to think a little about our best friend, that is, ourselves.</p>
<p><strong>3. Get up From Your Chair Regularly</strong></p>
<p>This is a very important little detail for those who work seated. When you love what you do, time passes quickly and sometimes you forget to just take a break in order to stretch your legs and walk a little. This advice reminds me of an article that was published on Momenteo's blog. It could be beneficial in the context of this advice. It is an article on <a href="">posture at work</a> written by Élise Dufour, chiropractor.</p>
<p><strong>4. Join a Running Club</strong></p>
<p>Here is a good idea of an activity that allows you to push yourself and meet people. Running is a discipline accessible to all and is rather simple to learn. In addition, there are now a variety of running events that you can register for to keep you motivated to go out and run regularly.</p>
<p><strong>5. Start Crossfit Training</strong></p>
<p>Have you ever heard of an activity without knowing exactly what it was? The word “crossfit” comes from the contraction of cross fitness. It is therefore a sport that requires as much flexibility, strength and endurance as humanly possible. It is an all-encompassing sport and a good way to develop a sense of belonging as your workouts are group training sessions.</p>
<p><strong>6. Enjoy the Community Pool in Your Neighbourhood</strong></p>
<p>This is an option that is often overlooked. A city usually offers several free facilities with schedules suitable for different swimming levels. Swimming is a low-impact, weightless activity that doesn’t put a lot of stress on muscles and joints and improves cardio. Plus, it’s another easy way to go out and see people.</p>
<p><strong>7. Learn How to Climb</strong></p>
<p>Climbing is an increasingly popular activity. We typically do more strength workouts. Climbing allows you to challenge your physical limits and meet people. There is a welcoming warm spirit of mutual aid in different climbing centers and over time, a sense of belonging develops.</p>
<p><strong>8. Take Yoga Classes at the Gym</strong></p>
<p>Finally, yoga remains a classic for escaping negativity, you should also meditate and simply take a break for yourself. It is an activity that can help develop good relaxation techniques and thus better equip you to manage stress. However, don't just find a yoga channel on YouTube. Sign up for yoga classes to get out of the house and see the world a bit. ;)</p>
<p>It is always important to remember that your mental and physical health are one of the critical areas that allow you to continue your work as a freelancer. You must therefore take care of yourself before taking care of your professional obligations. Physical activity is a way that will allow you to do so. In addition, it will improve our productivity and allow you to offer a better version of yourself every day. All of this will ultimately help, especially in the long run.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Have a great workout!</p>