The New Guided Tour is Now Live!
<p><img alt="Screen Shot 2016-06-16 at 15.35.11" class="aligncenter size-full" src="" /></p><p> </p>
<h2><strong>The problem</strong></h2>
<p>Accounting can be complicated, so is learning a new accounting tool. Momenteo offers a wide array of features, each of them including advanced options, multiple parameters and customization choices. It is an all-in-one solution that requires a bit of familiarization before it can be exploited to its full power. And since time is precious, a confused user usually won't spend a lot of time getting familiar with a product. A tool might be powerful, but if nobody gets to use it because it's too complicated, there is no point. To state it boldly: <strong>Confused = Gone.</strong></p><p> </p>
<h2><img alt="medal" class="aligncenter size-full" src="" /></h2>
<h2><strong>The solution</strong></h2>
<p>While building the New Momenteo, we promised a better guided tour, with clear call-to-actions and coherent steps. We had a first prototypical version of the concept in the last version, but it clearly wasn't on-par with the quality of the rest of the application. We're proud to say: <strong>now it is</strong>. Our objective was to hold the user's hand through the discovery of each feature, allowing them to smoothly experiment with the power of the tool while knowing they're doing everything properly. The result is a 13 steps tutorial with short animated clips and a clear description of the benefits of each feature. As we extend the product (Some pretty big features are coming soon), we'll add more steps to the on-boarding. <strong><Spoiler alert> </strong>Since we're reviewing the user experience of each section, some animations are missing. You can pretty much know what we're working on at the moment just by finding the <em>"Coming soon"</em> banners.<strong></Spoiler alert></strong></p><p> </p><p><img alt="signup" class="aligncenter size-full" src="" /></p>
<h2>The signup</h2>
<p>We also gave a bit of love to the signup process, which visually felt out of place between the landing page and the web application. The new version make the whole ecosystem feels more holistic. The color palette changed, it now supports gender picking and it updates the avatar and profession names accordingly.</p> <p><img alt="anim_demo" class="aligncenter size-full" src="" /></p>
<h2><strong>The very first animations</strong></h2>
<p>We'll gradually start adding animations for key actions in Momenteo. Soon enough, you'll start seeing more of these around the app. We both use them to quickly explain more complicated actions and to give satisfactory feedback. The on-boarding and the new signup are live now! Check them out and let us know what you think about them! Happy billing!</p>
I like building cool products and marketing them.
Philip Barclay