Tips For Balancing Your Full-Time Job and Freelance Life
<p><em>One advice often given to people who want to freelance is to start taking on contracts while keeping their job to make a smooth transition. As a result, we know that many people have jobs while accepting assignments as freelancers, and with the current situation, there is a good chance that this phenomenon will become even more popular in the coming months. Here are some tips to balance your freelance life when you’re also a salaried employee.</em></p>
<h3><strong>Why should you keep your job when you decide to become a freelancer?</strong></h3>
<p>There are different schools of thought on this issue. Some will say that to increase your chances of success you have to give up everything if you want to become a freelancer or a self-employed worker. Others prefer a safer approach. They start their business while still working for their employer.</p>
<p>When we asked <a href="" target="_blank">Estelle Bachelard</a>, a nice illustrator from Quebec City, what advice she would give to people who want to freelance, she said that having a stable job while we’re developing our clientele is preferable. It avoids a lot of financial stress at the beginning. This way, when we are ready to make the leap, we leave with a bank of clients, projects, but especially a financial cushion. In addition, with high inflation, many professionals may want to supplement their monthly income by accepting a few contracts outside their regular working hours.</p>
<p>Important: Check with your employer if you can start a business while still being an employee. Some companies do not want an employee to have multiple jobs or to have clients in the same industry. Take the time to take a look at your employment contract to avoid trouble.</p>
<h3><strong>7 Tips for balancing your job and freelancer life</strong></h3>
<p>Whether you work full-time or part-time as an employee, here are some tips to help you balance your job and freelancer reality. </p>
<p><strong>Set your boundaries</strong></p>
<p>First tip: before accepting mandates as a freelancer or self-employed worker, take the time take the time to <a href="" target="_blank">set your boundaries</a>. How many hours do you want to work per week? Do you want to work evenings or weekends? What types of contracts are you interested in? Make a list of your boundaries and try to respect them as much as possible along the way. </p>
<p><strong>Save time for yourself</strong></p>
<p>One of the common mistakes of self-employed workers and freelancers who are also employed is never taking a break. Their agenda is filled from 7 am to 9 pm. Remember that your body, but also your mind needs time off from time to time. A break or vacation will allow you to be more productive in the long term and help you avoid burnout.</p>
<p><strong>Check if you can lighten your work schedule</strong></p>
<p>Some employers are more flexible than others. Therefore, would it be possible to lighten your work schedule? Can you work only four days a week or have a part-time schedule? Sometimes, because of labor shortages, some companies are willing to put water in their wine to avoid losing a valuable resource. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! Of course, for this to be possible, you must already have a good relationship with your employer.</p>
<p><strong>Notify your customers of your availability</strong></p>
<p>It may be appropriate to advise your clients of your availability when you accept a freelance contract. If you are only available for evenings from a certain time, it might be important to mention this to them Indeed, you probably don’t want one of your clients to call you when you’re at work. ou can also add an automatic response to your emails to advise that you have received the request and will respond within a few hours or days.</p>
<p><strong>Do not feel guilty</strong></p>
<p>We noticed that many freelancers put a lot on their shoulders, especially when they started. They feel guilty about saying no or <a href="" target="_blank">declining a new project</a>. First, remember the boundaries you have defined, and then don’t feel guilty if they aren’t always met. You are likely doing your best. Take a moment to take a deep breath and try to find a better balance. What is the most important thing for you? Could your financial cushion allow you to work fewer hours for a while?</p>
<p><strong>Anticipate the unexpected</strong></p>
<p>Whether it is for your full-time job or freelance work, unexpected events occur. How do you prevent them from negatively impacting you? One way to do this is to anticipate the unexpected. For example, when you give your deadlines for a service, why not add 10% more time to deal with the unexpected? This way, if something happens, you’ll have enough time. And if nothing happens, you’ll have more time for yourself.</p>
<p><strong>Remember that you can delegate certain tasks</strong></p>
<p>If you feel that you are overwhelmed and that you no longer see the end of the tunnel, why not delegate certain tasks? We know that when you are a freelancer or self-employed worker, you have to wear several hats. If you spend too much time creating content for social media or managing your invoicing, why not work with <a href="" target="_blank">a virtual assistant</a>? Whether for a few hours a week or a month, they can certainly help you run your business and free up valuable time.</p>
<p>In conclusion, it’s not always easy to balance your life as an employee and freelancer. Chances are you’ll have to work more for a while. To help you with all this, start by defining your limits and needs, remember to take breaks, and give realistic deadlines. Then, when you’re ready, you can go 100% freelance or self-employed. Remember to <a href="" target="_blank">meet an accountant</a> to help you plan everything. Good luck!</p>